Question on taxes

I have a simple question and I’m hoping that someone here might be able to help
I’m going to be living in Ferney (France) and working in Mies (Vaud). My taxes will be taken from source.
My question is: I’m renting a room and my landlord doesn’t want to pay for « taxe habitation » because they would charge her a lot. Do I need to register here as a resident or giving my address at work is enough? I’ll be paying taxes in Switzerland, do I need to pay for anything here? (Permit G)

Thank you in advance!

Do you also have an adress (even a simple « mailbox ») in Switzerland ?

If you have an adress in Switzerland, you may live in France in « résidence secondaire », the « taxe d’habitation » is still due in France but your taxes (for work revenues) will be paid in Switzerland.

If your main living place is in Ferney Voltaire, the « taxe d’habitation » is due, and your taxes should also be paid in France as France is the primary tax authority for frontalier living at less than 1h30 from their work.

This is a point you should discuss with your employer, there may be a risk of double taxation here !

3 « J'aime »

Many thanks, Pierre! Really helpful information!
I will do that because my landlord also has a place in Geneva so I can use her mailbox there.

Sorry to ask, but since we’re talking about this:
Should I give my Geneva address at work or the French one then? What do I have to do so this is considered my « residence secondaire »?

Thank you!
Have a nice evening

In fact your question is not that simple!

When reading your post I think that your landlord might be claiming his address in Ferrney as main residence in Geneva in order to avoid to pay tax in Geneva. And he is claiming his address in Geneva as main residence in France to avoid to pay tax in France.
This is quite common, but less since tax offices from both sides of the borders started to chase them…

Taxe d’habitation is due by occupant or owner, if you are renting the room recently, then it is not due by you.
If you are planning to rent the room as of 1st of January 2019 and you will be solely living in the house, then the taxe d’habitation will be due by you.

Do you have a formal rental contract? From which date of entry?

In your situation your can’t be taxed at source if you are claiming living in Ferney. But you should if you give an address abroad more than 1h30 away from the border.

It is difficult to find a place, especially when arriving in the area from abroad, so my recommendation will be that you claim your address in Ferney in order to get your G permit, then you will be taxed in France, salary taxe level is almost the same between Vaud and France.
Do not forget to make your choice for your health insurance within three months!

At a later stage, once you settled down you can stay or move somewhere else

2 « J'aime »

oh yeah, there is a big confusion between tax and tax !!
you will be taxed at the source on your income, but the taxe d’habitation is a local tax, that is due by the person who had a formal renting contract as if january 1st.

whether your landlord want to screw up the tax offices is not your problem. You have to declare the truth which is that your main place of residency is France.

Doing something else will put you at risk :

  • tax fines
  • if you don’t have a valid rental contract, then you can be thrown out at any time from your place without any legal notice.

But hey, if you want to screw up the tax offices, you can cross list the addresses.

no risk, no reward.

Personally, now that exchange of fiscal information is automatic, I wouldn’t try.

1 « J'aime »

Thank you for such helpful advice!