Sorry for writing in English. I live in France and work in Switzerland. I used to have insurance from credit mutuel that covered both countries. As France insisted that everybody signed up to CMU I started the process, but I always wanted to continue my Swiss health care. As soon as Switzerland allowed frontaliers to opt back into the the Swiss system I signed up with Helsana. I sent the E106 form to CMU as instructed , but they have written informing me that I have no right to choose Switzerland as I already chose France.
This is crazy and must be illegal . What should I do?
Any advice gratefully received.
2 « J'aime »
The best you can do is go to the CDTF and ask for their advice.
You are most probably right but you will probably have to go to court agains the CPAM, which is anything but easy.
Sign the petition you find on the site and send it to all your contact.
Sincerely yours
thanks for your response - can you point me to the petition?
1 « J'aime »
France is in war with the works. That’s a dictarure.
1 « J'aime »